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LIVE AV SETS - Szabolcs Marton: KVARK – Symphony of Transience


KVARK is an audiovisual project of film and theatre composer Szabolcs Marton, which can be seen as an AV chamber concert at the Zsolnay Light Festival with projection featuring 3 classical musicians and surround sound. At the heart of the dramaturgy of the work is impermanence, which is not present as an alarming or threatening thing, but as something that fills our lives with value, that gives meaning to the present. It captivates, makes you think, give food for thought. It pushes you out of your comfort zone and gives you a special, surreal experience.

"You don't have to experience it as a tragedy that one day it will end, because in fact this is the reason why it makes sense now." / Szabolcs Marton /


The visual content is created by Patrik Kiss, who has worked on several renowned domestic and foreign light-art events in recent years. The music was recorded with a 16-member symphony orchestra in the studio of the Budapest Scoring Orchestra.

KVARK won recognition from the music industry in 2022, being nominated by the Music Hungary Association for the Music Hungary Award in the crossover category.

The event is visitable with ROUTE OF LIGHT ARMBAND.