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Become a master bookbinder!

When you lift a book off your bookshelf, the first thing you see is the book's cover, its binding. Today, books are bound by machines, but even today there are manual bookbinding workshops where master bookbinders make the covers of books. During the event, you can learn how the bookbinding masters worked, what tricks of trade they used, how they sew the pages of books together and what the term ex libris means.

In old books, hand-painted, ornate initials often adorned the beginning of the pages. At the event you will also have the opportunity to paint the missing drop caps of an old book.


250 years ago, György Klimó opened his episcopal library in Pécs to the public. This collection of books was Hungary's first major public bibliography, which could be used by anyone who could read and write, regardless of their social status.

On the occasion of this remarkable anniversary, Klimó Library joins the Zsolnay Light Festival with great programs.