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Flying Bodies & Collective Dope (HU): You are the Flow

Community-building street performance and Jam.

The participatory performance "You Are the Flow" was born from the fusion of contemporary dance, parkour, and urban dance. Its mission is to engage new communities in the world of contemporary dance art. Its goal is to create a collective experience where performers and audience members meet and give each other space for self-expression. The format is simple: the performers undergo an uninterrupted process that moves from complete stillness to pushing beyond all limits, releasing great energies, and eventually transforming into a joyous dance. The performers reveal themselves, with all their clumsiness and imperfections. It is not the form that dominates, but the individual beauty of how differently the participants experience the same process. The performance opens up to the audience, who can eventually join in and experience the flow in which the performers are immersed.